
If you have a high deductible, are part of a self-funded plan at a large company, or participate in a health-sharing plan, our upfront, transparent pricing will often save you money.

If you have other insurance plans and are seeking a better experience than your last exam, we would love the opportunity to care for you.

Finally, if you have no insurance, we believe our quality and prices are unmatched.

Given the complex nature of eye disease, these lists are not exhaustive.

We’re happy to provide exact quotes for other visit types or procedures you may need before your appointment.

Clinic Prices

Office visits are priced based on complexity and the estimated time spent with the physician.

Patients receive a detailed receipt with the necessary codes to submit to their insurance company for reimbursement. We have no contracts with insurance companies, so we are considered out-of-network.

We do not accept Medicare, and Medicare will not reimburse patients who see us.

  • Price includes all diagnostic testing, medical eye exam, and consultation regarding various lens implant options to help you achieve your vision goals.

    Note: Price of surgical consultation can be applied toward the cost of surgery.

  • Price includes all diagnostic testing including visual field, OCT, pachymetry, gonioscopy, and optic nerve assessment. Review of available records as needed to determine best management.

  • Price includes all necessary diagnostic imaging. This exam is optimal for diabetic patients, patients with cardiovascular disease, or those taking medications with possible ocular side effects.

  • Available to new and established patients without known glaucoma or retinal disease. This exam is optimal for screening any potential eye problems and includes refraction (i.e., an updated glasses prescription).

    Note: Our clinic specializes in medical and surgical eye care. We do not offer optical shop or contact lens fitting services. We are happy to provide a list of optical and contact lens providers at your appointment.

  • Available to all established patients requiring diagnostic testing.

  • This exam is optimal for all established patients requiring a follow-up exam without additional diagnostic imaging (i.e., eye pressure check, dry eye follow-up, follow-up after acute injury, allergy, or infection).

  • Price includes rental of iCare HOME2 device, 30 single-use probes (allowing for eye pressure checks 4 times daily), along with follow-up review of results on iCare CLINIC software.

    Note: This exam is only available to established PureSight Surgical Patients.

In-Office Procedures and Laser Prices

The price includes access to specialized equipment (i.e., no additional facility or surgical center fee), the performance of the procedure or laser treatment, and necessary follow-up care for one month to ensure an optimal outcome.

Note: Compare this price to paying through insurance plans, where additional facility fees (typically $100-$300 per eye) are required for access to equipment, and follow-up care is only included for 10 days following most procedures.

  • An excellent treatment option for reducing eye pressure, often lasting 2-3 years for most patients. This well-established treatment has been extensively researched and shown to slow glaucoma progression, reduce the chance of developing glaucoma in patients with elevated eye pressure, and help patients reduce the number of medicated eye drops needed to maintain their target eye pressure goal. For more information, see SLT Positive Implications from the Light Study.

  • An excellent treatment option for patients at risk for angle closure glaucoma, this procedure creates a microscopic opening in the peripheral iris. It often reduces the narrowing or shallowing of the eye's drainage system, thereby lowering the chance of a sudden spike in eye pressure that could result in permanent vision damage.

  • This procedure clears the opacity behind the lens implant after cataract surgery. This opacity (sometimes called a "secondary cataract") is common in the months to years following cataract surgery. The treatment is only required once, and the opacity will not continue to grow following this procedure.

  • While many of these will clear with warm compresses and topical medications, some persist and require surgical drainage. This can be performed in-office with a local injection of anesthesia medication.

  • Note: If the growth appears to have any concerning characteristics, sending a pathology specimen may be recommended, or consultation with an oculoplastics subspecialist or dermatologist may be required. This price does not include pathology fees. Pathology fees will be processed by the lab and are typically covered by insurance.

  • An excellent treatment for many forms of dry eye disease. This treatment is performed under topical anesthetic drops and results in more tear volume remaining on the surface of the eye. It often reduces symptoms of dry eye disease and/or less frequent use of artificial tears during the day.

Surgery Prices

Pricing and a full list of procedures are coming soon! We're finalizing negotiations with local hospitals and surgical centers. Stay tuned for updates!

Schedule an appointment.